Posted in Plants, Progress

Grape Trellis Project Part 2

Hard to tell from pick, but sturdy.
Thank you neighbor(s) that got rid of these.

I mentioned before picking up some trellis for free that we plan to use for the volunteer grape we found on our property.  (Likely seed brought by birds from a multiple section chain link fence length of grape just under a block from our house.)

My partner suddenly decided at gloaming last night that it was a fine time to put it together.  I pointed out that he’d be drilling the pilot holes and screwing them together in the dusk if he was lucky, and the dark if he wasn’t.  I’m almost afraid to see what it looks like come morning. We did not paint it as I wanted because no budget for such at the moment. Continue reading “Grape Trellis Project Part 2”

Weather predictions and reality…

The weather predictors have been swearing for days it will rain doom upon us, and we were lucky to get a brief shower once per day.    We had some boomers yesterday eve, but same brief shower.

Twice now in the last half hour, we’ve had showers, boomers starting.  Maybe today’s the day?

Ooooo…I think I hear what sounds to be steady rain.  Finally?

Note to future me #3

Any time insomnia has kicked in, and you find yourself trying to get a post up before you trundle off to bed whether the sun is in the sky or not yet, preview it entirely TWICE before posting.  Also, don’t forget to check your math.