Posted in Conservation, Creatures

Guardianship update: 7th September 2018

I awoke today to find the last three chrysalis in the keeper had eclosed.  They were two males and a female.  I have been looking for eggs of late, but not finding any.  Given our not too far off first frost date for this year, I suspect that may be why, but it’s pure speculation on my part.   I will keep looking for at least another week.

If I don’t find any more by then, I’ll be moving the incubator and the keeper out of the dining room.  I’m already planning to use at least another keeper for next year.  I’ve already started to gather materials for the building of it.

Even if I don’t find anymore eggs or even cats, I will be adding more entries about monarchs here in general over the course of the fall and winter when time allows.  One of those entries will be basics about monarch guardianship for those that may be interested in trying it themselves.

Current count:

  • Butterflies: 6 females, 5 males
  • Chrysalis: 0
  • Caterpillars: 0
  • Eggs: 0

Care to share thoughts on this?