Posted in Behind the Scenes, Oh noes!, Plants

Transfer seedlings: too dried out or too much handling?

In my head, I know it’s one thing to have what you need on hand and at least in an easy to grab place.  It’s another thing to go a step further and do as much as you can within reason before starting something.  Somehow, such foreknowledge slipped through the sieve of my brain and now I’m trying to salvage some transplants as a result.

Continue reading “Transfer seedlings: too dried out or too much handling?”

Note to future me #8

I know you’ll be anxious a lot this year because once again there is so much you want to do and gosh darn it you had to have learned something last year, right?  At least it was way better than two (now three) years ago, right?  Yep.

Don’t forget you now have a porch swing to go to sit and think or forget or ponder or whatever.  You will get overwhelmed.  Take a break and go swing. Continue reading “Note to future me #8”

Posted in Behind the Scenes, Indoor Musings, Oh noes!, Stories

Short term sale from long term loss.

When we drove by one of our local stores not long ago to do a large grocery run, I noticed they were having a “customer appreciation sale” with everything marked 25% off.  When I walked to the grocery store across the street from there yesterday to pick up a few things I was short on, the street sign then said “50% off”, and a sign in the window said “up to 75%”.  That’s when I started to suspect they might be closing.

Sadly, I was right, but it’s a local buyout so it’s not the end of the world, I guess?  Continue reading “Short term sale from long term loss.”