Posted in Window Views

Upstairs Window View: March 4th, 2019

In the wee small hours of the morning...
I thought to share a new perspective of the south facing yard.

The other day when I was looking out of the upstairs bath window, it struck me that it offers a different perspective of the rear yard than what I usually post here.  Yes, this is totally obvious, but I simply hadn’t thought of what potential that difference might be worth.  The downside from up there is because that portion of the home juts out a bit further to the south, you don’t see the bits closest to the house.

As you can see from the placement of the bean pole, not too much is lost, and I likely could have gotten more in if I wasn’t trying to get the tree tops now that I think on it as I write this up.

I’m not sure how often I’ll take shots from up there, because in all honesty it’s much easier to grab whatever shot I see from my office window given the amount of time I sit at my desk most of the year.

Since it was predicted that we’d get another 8″ of snow overnight (it’s really closer to 4″),  I thought it might be worth taking the shot even though it’s similar in overall look from my most recent office window view.

For those interested, this is not color filtered. I only auto adjusted for contrast.  I almost undid the auto because it was barely noticeable anyhoo.

Care to share thoughts on this?