Posted in Behind the Scenes

First Community Garden meeting

This wide collective of folks from Gardner and beyond met today for the first meeting towards planning a community garden here in Gardner. Unfortunately, I was a wee bit late and missed the opening intros, but it seems the meeting was directed by one of the folks from Growing Places.

I don’t remember if I’d mentioned it before, but I’d been included in the mix at the behest of Gardner’s Conservation Agent.  Not sure if that matters, but my brain wants to mention it, so I have.

The meeting overall covered a pretty broad base of garden related topics.  I won’t get into all that here, though I might later post more about a few things I learned because I found it relevant or outright interesting.

Directly related to the purpose of the meeting, we did discuss other communal gardens.  There are already a few communal garden spaces here, it turns out.  At one point in the meeting, folks were asked to name other communal gardens that they know of here, and we ended up with a list of six.  It’s not certain if all or some are still active or not.  One is a brand new effort, and the others folks think may be active we need to investigate more to learn what we can.

The meeting overall was, well, a blast.  I really hope something lasting comes out of this.

I’m definitely looking forward to seeing what I can learn from the effort, as well as whatever connections I might make with other folks here in Gardner interested in Gardening.

Care to share thoughts on this?