Still not feeling up to par, and the intermittent rain made it easy to not do much of anything.
- Watered the seedlings. Fretting a bit about the lack of new growth from seeds.
- Kitchen scraps to the compost, buried the latest few days with some of the weeds I’d pulled before. Need to turn the pile, not today.
- Noticed the iris was struggling through berry creepers, cleaned it up a bit so it could breathe. Saw remnants of plastic landscape fabric, and that the tubers had pushed up above soil level. Need to fix them a bit more, too tired.
- I did later find a bit of energy between rains and divided whatever flower it is along the west side of the front porch. They desperately needed it. Took my time, and since I could sit for all of it I managed to divide it pretty well.
These needed dividing when we bought the house. They’re not the only ones. No idea if the replants will take, have to wait and see. Fortunately, that bed didn’t have much else in it so there was plenty of room.
- Looking at the picture just reminded me, I did remove a bush that was in the corner there. I put it for later replanting along what we hope to make a hedgerow in the back.
- There are many more clusters like that in the front yard that needed dividing since we bought the house. I will try to get to them this year. And, of course, the day lily patch on the east side of the house I did not finish last year. Still…progress was made and I shouldn’t forget that.