Posted in Oh noes!, Progress

Garden Growth–19th May, 2019

The rains were a bit heavier in the morning that we thought they would be, but the afternoon skies cleared and we made the best we could of the time available.  Temperatures quickly climbed to a high of 76°F, and what feels to us a sudden change meant our bodies were not yet acclimated to the warmth as we worked outside.  I was especially grateful for the time I could work in the shade.

  • Watered what seedlings remain viable indoors and out.
  • I was really hoping to get the potato seedlings and onion sets in the ground, but we simply have not been able to get their beds ready due to all this rain and the lack of free time in our schedules when it’s dry.
  • Speaking of the potatoes, we had a bit of an “oh noes!” as it seems one of the cats tried to climb the rack we’ve been using for seedlings in the upstairs bathroom.  Anything on the middle rack was tossed about, and some had lost all of their soil in the fall.  What’s odd is that in the pots that had not yet shown growth, I also did not find their chitting when I was sweeping it up.  I was tired and did not look to see if they were buried in what soil remained, though I should look into that later.

[Note: When I was combing through my draft folder on May 25, 2020, I found the above and have no idea what else I was going to say or add pictures or what.  In looking at my image folder for May 19th, I see some outside shots of us in the garden, some of which are thinning the dandelion population with a fork.   There were also some pics of what the seeds we had started indoors looked like before we planted them, but most of them are really blurry.  So I’m adding it as a I found it with the backdate to when it was written with this note for my own recollection later.]

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