
As I mentioned in this earlier post, I’ve been meaning to tighten up the overall organization here, as well as finally see some unfinished bits to completion over time.

In this post I hope to clearly explain why I made some changes I did, as well as what to expect ahead.  I also purposefully over-explain and overemphasize some bits because not everyone knows the inner workings and terminology of WP blogs.

This post will be pinned until March 19th to try to alleviate confusion for folks that wander back here later on this year because they’re still recovering from the holly days and/or have not yet begun thinking about this year’s garden.

Continue reading “Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes…”

Note to Future Me #12

You realized in the past (mid 2019 I think it was?) that maybe, just maybe, it would be helpful to add Tags that were location/local conditioned based like hardiness zone 5, Massachusetts and New England.  Some crappy day when it’s no good to work outside, go back to the older posts and add that stuff when it makes sense to do so. Continue reading “Note to Future Me #12”

2020 Site Change Plans, January edition

During the 2018-19 off season of gardening, I had inside projects to do, and lost time being the kind of sick where you mostly do what must be done rather than what you’d maybe prefer to spend time on doing.

I had higher hopes as this season’s off time arrived, and then my partner got hit with a heavier workload which meant I had to cover more than usual.  That’s eased off, so I’m now trying to at least knock off some of my To Do list (which is awesome to behold). Continue reading “2020 Site Change Plans, January edition”