Posted in Window Views

May 13th, 2020–Office Window View

That bush you see on the property line had a baby hidden behind it.
After the late snow, things are back to roaring with life.

The dandelions had closed themselves up on the days around the snow, but are now back and adding to their numbers.  I can see (not as evident in this image) where the “strip” further back where I worked very hard to thin their numbers has paid off.  I will continue to do so, while knowing I will ultimately keep some around for early spring pollinators.  Out in the front yard so far, none have come back.

Now that I’ve pulled up the closest image date from the last two years, I am really feeling behind in the game.  I’ve already been worried about crops that take longer to grow (like pumpkins), but now I’m thinking the rest of this week I need to make as much time as possible towards closing the gap from last year.  I know this is silly because when you compare the images, it’s obvious the later cold has held back what’s “natural” from growing.  Still…tick tick!

Compared to May 14, 2019:

I admit I'm getting tired of looking at the rock gathering.
Very different than last year!

Compared to May 14, 2018:

14th of May, office window view

Care to share thoughts on this?