Posted in Window Views

May 17, 2020–Office Window View

Everything's just dandy, thanks.
So far I have not spotted new milkweed on this side where you can still see a few stalks from last year.

It’s hard to see, but further back in the yard, you may see how few dandelions there are.  That’s due to a lot of work last year.  This year I’ll do another yard wide strip starting from where I left off.  Eventually, we’ll only have a small patch or two once we get more early spring perennials going, as the bees in particular do love the dandelions.

Compared to May 14, 2019:

I admit I'm getting tired of looking at the rock gathering.
Very different than last year!

Compared to May 17, 2018:

No, we're not burying any bodies...yet
Working on our first kitchen garden bed.


Care to share thoughts on this?