Posted in Window Views

May 23, 2020–Office Window View

It just keeps growing, and growing and growing...
Don’t know if you can tell, but that’s a cluster of oak saplings nearest the window.

Subtle difference from the most recent view, mostly due to time of day variations.  Every time I see the pieces of the old concrete splash guard on the bottom left, I can’t unsee the reaching baby rock monster anymore, and desperately want to clean up this area despite having so many other things to do.

I do know, though, that when I do I will miss baby rock monster, just as I now miss the doghouse.

Among those other things is figuring out when I might finally start working on garden sculptures of various mediums.

Compared to May 22, 2019:

I desperately wanted that corner regraded.
The lone 2018 corn stalk, the missing doghouse!

Compared to May 23, 2018:

Powerpuff Seedings, activate!
Due to the shade, looking at the younger dandys in the back seems like I’m watching a passage of time. The new generation behind the older going to seed flowers nearest the window.

Care to share thoughts on this?