Posted in Behind the Scenes, Indoor Musings, Seeds

Remember The 2 Hour Garden book?

I fell in love with this book when I first borrowed it from our local library.  Yes, it was older and a handful of practices within it had since been improved upon within gardening communities, but more often than not, the lessons and strategies within were still sound.  When I realized how many times I was borrowing it, I tracked down a copy and bought itContinue reading “Remember The 2 Hour Garden book?”

Sun & Shade Mapping: Spring Equinox, 2021

I am a natural night owl.  So yesterday I simply stayed up just to see if we would have any sunlight worth noting at 6AM.  We did not, but I still managed to catch a neat shot.  I did manage the 9AM as well, but then fell asleep in my chair and woke up just in time to snap a near noon shot before toddling off to bed.  I did get up in time for the 6PM.  I cheated a bit today by taking the 3PM shot because I figured one day difference is still close enough. (Said to self while inwardly cheering the skies were not cloudy as well.) [Note: I took an actual 3pm shot today (22nd), so for those that might have seen this post before, now the sequence makes more sense. If this is your first time reading it, I moved the prior note about why I had to fix a mistake to the bottom of the post.] Continue reading “Sun & Shade Mapping: Spring Equinox, 2021”

Weekly Site Changes: March 13th-19th, 2021

Oh, the pitfalls of depending on common sense being common.  Once upon a time a free WP migration to self host was easy peasy to do via file transfers.  Things have since changed, and this move was fraught with hiccups and annoyances that are still eating up precious spare time I’d rather be spending on other site changes.  Still, it’s gotta get done.

Continue reading “Weekly Site Changes: March 13th-19th, 2021”

Posted in Behind the Scenes, Creatures

Online presentation: Drawing on Birds: Comics, Science, and Sharing Nature

I was lucky to catch a tweet just in time to attend a live online event held two nights ago by the North Branch Nature Center up in Vermont.  I wasn’t aware of that organization prior, so I’m glad I saw the notice.  I’m also happy to say, if you missed it live, you can still watch it!

Continue reading “Online presentation: Drawing on Birds: Comics, Science, and Sharing Nature”

Rough draft of our garden plans for 2021

If I have learned anything in going on four years of trying my hand at gardening, it’s that it’s not hard for me to come up with plans.  What’s hard is narrowing down those plans to a realistic list. So I’m going to try something new this year, which I hope will help us best whittle down our To Do List—which is still awesome to behold.
[Courtesy Notice: This is one of my long rambles so you might want to grab a beverage/snack beforehand.] Continue reading “Rough draft of our garden plans for 2021”