Posted in Window Views

July 20th, 2021–Office Window View

The July 20, 2021 image within my office window view series.
Although we’re not as far behind with the garden as last year, we’re nowhere near the progress we thought we’d be by now. So much going on!

I did manage to take this one on time, but this week has been so busy I’m just posting it now with a backdate to when it was taken.

The weather continues to be brutal, but most of the garden has endured.  The earlier blooming goldenrods that grow right outside my office window are starting to form their flowers, which is great because the poor common milkweed flowers were long ago battered into nothing, and only some are forming seed pods.

Although I’ve had a few solo Monarchs show up of late, I’ve not yet found any eggs to take in so I can rear them.  Hopefully later today when I have some time to get some garden work done, I’ll find at least a few.  Last year was bad, but I fear this year may be no better or even worse.

[Note: I’ll later note prior office window views here that were taken near to this date when time allows. This note will be deleted once that happens.]

Care to share thoughts on this?