2021 Plantings

Last Updated on June 22, 2021 — This list updates as the garden develops.

Last frost date: Est: May 20; First frost date: Est: September 20. [122 day season]

~ How to read the plantings list ~

Name: Listed alphabetically by a common name, and, when known, the Latin name.

  • Status Pending – non-formatted common names mean I’m unsure if alive or not.
  • Survivor – bold names have emerged from a ground sown seed, or an indoor/transplant lived a week past replanting.  If death occurs after survivor designation: any survivors keep the name bold, if all are lost…then struck out.
  • Deceased – Plants where the entire attempt has shuffled off this mortal coil.

Sow Type

  • ground – seed sown directly to ground
  • indoor – seed/bulb/chitting/set started in jar/pot/egg carton indoors
  • transplant – bought starters, tree saplings, or mature plants from on or off grounds

Date(s) listed are when they were planted. Year noted when not of this year. Any dates in brackets [ ] are the date they were started indoors from seed.

Numbers (ex: 2/8 or 12/9/!)

  • The first number is how many we started, regardless of sow type.  A “?” next to the first number means we can’t find the count or forgot to note it.
  • The latter number notes survivor total.  A “!” denotes we are awaiting results.
  • In cases where there are three numbers, first is total started in water, second is total germinated, third is survivor total. A “!” denotes we are awaiting results.

~ The List ~

basil – transplant – awaiting planting, under cloche 1 May – 1/!

columbine, red Aquilegia canadensis – transplant from friend – 8 April – (cluster dug up) 1/1

crocus, crocus ? – transplant from friend – 8 April – (cluster dug up) ?/5

garlic, ? – grocery store – indoor; Dec. 2020; 10(?)/!

iris, iris ? – transplant from friend – 8 April – (cluster dug up) ?/!

milkweed, common -indoor [24 May] – ?/5

mint – transplant – awaiting planting, under cloche 1 May – 1/!

parsley – transplant – awaiting planting, under cloche 1 May – 1/!

pea – little snowpea purple – 1st batch indoor [21 May]- 24 May – 12/9/0 :: 2nd batch indoor [24 May]- 16? June – 12/12/12

pepper, sweet yellow – transplant – awaiting planting, under cloche 1 May – 1/!

rosemary, roasted – transplant – awaiting planting, under cloche 1 May – 1/!

tomato, Candyland Red – transplant – awaiting planting, under cloche 16 May – 1/1

tomato, little Napoli – transplant – awaiting planting, under cloche 16 May – 1/1

witch-hazel, Ozark Hamamelis vernalis – transplant – awaiting planting, 22 April – 1/!

Please feel free to add a comment below with questions or thoughts about this list.

Care to share thoughts on this?