A morning photograph of an urban backyard in New England on July 20, 2021. At the base of the image, right berries dot the ground layer plants. From foreground to just beyond the center of the image, common milkweed is developing seed pods. Both on the the right side and center mid ground, goldenrod has grown taller than the milkweed and is starting to form its flowers. The leaves of a few young oak saplings towards the right are hidden behind both. A single climbing vine of oriental bittersweet searches for something to cling to at the lower center edge. Various sized stones can be seen just below center left peeking out in a gap of the foliage. The right edge from center back shows various shrubs and the lower trunk of one tree lining the border. Dotted amongst the center to left mid ground are tall yellow asters behind a burlap wrapped tomato cage. More golden rod can be seen clustered to the left below the trees behind them. In the background, the rear treeline has gaps near center, revealing a brightening soft blue sky.