We didn’t get as much rain as early as I expected, which worked out because that gave us time to set up one of the rain barrels. The air was still damp, which added a chill to the near 50°F temperatures. Continue reading “Garden Growth–18th April, 2019”
Category: Bookworming
Various resources I am reading, watching or listening to related to my garden. Some I may own, some borrowed, some freely available on the web.
Speaking of the garden book I ordered…
It arrived today.
Our seeds are on their way!
I just checked my e-mail, and there was a tracking notice. Continue reading “Our seeds are on their way!”
What’s taters, precious?
One of the potatoes that ended up in our kitchen decided it wanted to be more than just part of an immediate meal on the table. So instead of cutting out the numerous eyes, I let them be and gave it a home. Continue reading “What’s taters, precious?”
Making our 2019 seed list–part 1
One thing I did not want to be late about again this year was ordering seeds. Despite the recent brain fog from the winter bug, I’m still determined in being better on this matter. Continue reading “Making our 2019 seed list–part 1”
Encouraging beneficial insects
I forget when I found this book, but I have a copy of Good Bugs for Your Garden [Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill, 1995], written by Allison Mia Starcher.
It has lovely illustrations, and contains downright sensible and needed information for those who want to at least lower their reliance on chemical pesticides even if they are not willing to go full out organic with pest control.
It’s also a small, almost pocket sized book. Easy to tuck into a backpack, tote or handbag. Also one that won’t take up much space if you are the sort to keep reading materials in your bathroom.
Continue reading “Encouraging beneficial insects”
Recent library reading
I had errands downtown yesterday, which were awful close to the library. So what could it hurt to stop in and visit the gardening section? Continue reading “Recent library reading”