We’ve had near to freezing nights more than I’ve been happy about in the last few weeks.
Continue reading “Definitely frosty.”Category: Indoor Musings
What I think about when I’m not out in the Garden, but my mind is still on it and not necessarily in a planning way.
Pondering a notion on natives and non.
So the property already had some non native plants mixed in with the “locals” here before we bought it, and I have since added some as well through both blissful ignorance and two deliberately foreknown sentimental based acquisitions. While making tea tonight, I had an idea…what if I made labels for all the plants in the front yard designating which is which? Continue reading “Pondering a notion on natives and non.”
May morning snow…
While waiting for the kettle to boil for tea, I happened to look over at the outside door while giving one of our cats skritches. The deadbolt was not locked. As I drifted away from our biggest floofer to lock it, there it was–the foretold May snow. I didn’t reach over to turn on the outside light to see how deep, but from what light was behind me it looks to be at least an inch, possibly two. Continue reading “May morning snow…”
The year is already getting away from me.
Just came in from dumping scraps in the compost. Everything is frosty, and wow the ground under my wellie booted feet was hard as rocks when I did a quick walk around. I just checked as I was writing this, and the temperature had just risen to 32°F. Continue reading “The year is already getting away from me.”
In the year 2019 for Growing in Gardner…
…a lot has happened here, both online and outside our home. Bad: Ultimately, I did not convey nearly as much here on this site as we actually did outside. Good: We did manage to get a lot more done outside this year than we did the last two. Hooray for progress! Continue reading “In the year 2019 for Growing in Gardner…”
Pruning the past
One of my goals for this year is to work towards a daily journal along the lines of what my Nana kept for her garden. I was going to try a monthly (which I’ll get into a bit further down), although I intend to work up to a daily. Continue reading “Pruning the past”
Fly By Notes, 28 March 2019
Time to write just about anything in a focused manner lately has been hard to come by, so here’s a sort of organized bullet list both for me and anyone that is curious about what I’ve been up to in the last few days.
Short term sale from long term loss.
When we drove by one of our local stores not long ago to do a large grocery run, I noticed they were having a “customer appreciation sale” with everything marked 25% off. When I walked to the grocery store across the street from there yesterday to pick up a few things I was short on, the street sign then said “50% off”, and a sign in the window said “up to 75%”. That’s when I started to suspect they might be closing.
Sadly, I was right, but it’s a local buyout so it’s not the end of the world, I guess? Continue reading “Short term sale from long term loss.”