Posted in Behind the Scenes, Indoor Musings, Notes to Future Me

Why I like keeping garden records

Courtesy Notice: This is another of my long rambling posts.

The short answer: handy reference because my memory isn’t perfect.

The long one with history and how I arrived at my present record keeping status:
As I’ve mentioned before, last year was our first year here at Beebe, and I knew things would be a bit nuts.  (Beebe is what we call our house–it’s a beekeeper surname reference since we like bees even though we don’t have the name in our ancestry that we know of, and don’t actively keep them other than try to provide plenty of food to encourage them to be here.) Continue reading “Why I like keeping garden records”

Where have all the chipmunks gone?

Last year I know we had chipmunks running around.  I’d see them from time to time.

This year?  Not a one yet.

I’m not sure if they got tired of being hunted by the local strays and outdoor cats, or maybe something else I haven’t spotted yet that could be eating them?

…or just hiding better?

I’m really not sure.

Posted in Behind the Scenes, Indoor Musings, Plants, Progress

Thoughts on sharing and friendships

The Will Rogers quote I also posted today is one near and dear to my heart.  A friend of mine I play LOTRO with says that quote all the time.  I share his belief in what it means, and have made many friends over the years where the initial contact between us was a meeting of strangers.

I also believe in the notion of sharing one’s abundance.  We were very lucky here in that so many plants were already here, many are well established to boot.  When you move to a new place, and really don’t know anyone, sometimes sharing is a way to meet someone that might turn out to be a life long friend. Continue reading “Thoughts on sharing and friendships”