Note to future me #7

After you finish that seed list, make notes about which ones should be soaked or surface scratched to help germination.  You forgot about that with a lot of seeds last year, and the year after too.

Note to future me #5

Better forewarned than to lose something due to being lazy about double checking data–or at least look for any updates on said data down the road.

Note to future me #4

Don’t forget to actually utilize the data you’ve collected.  Look over it from time to time, especially if you are doing something similar to what you’ve recorded before.  (Use that search function on this site too for when you didn’t record things in the plantings list that are relevant to whatever you need to know.  It’s easy to forget it’s there some days.)

You’ll be less impatient if you remember maybe you haven’t waited long enough for results because our memory isn’t always as good as we want it to be.


Note to future me #3

Any time insomnia has kicked in, and you find yourself trying to get a post up before you trundle off to bed whether the sun is in the sky or not yet, preview it entirely TWICE before posting.  Also, don’t forget to check your math.

Note to future me #2

You may have done some record keeping in 2018 you were (or maybe still are?) proud of, but you really need to remember to note where you planted certain flower seeds if you haven’t figured out a good way to start them indoors without artificial lighting again and decide to direct sow.  If only for the possible amusement of what flowers grow nowhere near the spot you think (or even know) you planted them.

It just might save you a plant ID search when it’s growing but not quite obvious yet since we get so many great volunteers here.  That’s time better spent doing other things.

Posted in Behind the Scenes, Indoor Musings, Notes to Future Me

Why I like keeping garden records

Courtesy Notice: This is another of my long rambling posts.

The short answer: handy reference because my memory isn’t perfect.

The long one with history and how I arrived at my present record keeping status:
As I’ve mentioned before, last year was our first year here at Beebe, and I knew things would be a bit nuts.  (Beebe is what we call our house–it’s a beekeeper surname reference since we like bees even though we don’t have the name in our ancestry that we know of, and don’t actively keep them other than try to provide plenty of food to encourage them to be here.) Continue reading “Why I like keeping garden records”