Coming soon! Site changes.

Like my garden, this website is developing over time.  Some things that seemed like a good idea at the time don’t quite work out as intended.  Other ideas don’t come to light until later.  Mistakes get made, and I don’t want anyone to be led astray by what they read here, as the web is already chock full of disinformation and misleading information.

With that in mind, I have created a new category called Site Change Notifications.  I have a few older posts I’ll dig up as time allows where I made later edits based on information learned after the post was created, and mark them with this new category when the changes are complete. Continue reading “Coming soon! Site changes.”

Updated the Plant Progress yesterday

I updated the 2018 Plantings page.

We’ve had another casualty, but some success as well (one noted by image yesterday).  We also ate our first blueberries and raspberries of the season (red and black).  It was still a bit soon for the blueberries we taste tested.  The strawberries keep getting raided by the critters before we get a chance.  To be fair, we have a lot more raspberry canes than we do fruiting strawberry plants so far.