All five itty bitty baby monarch eggs hatched!

Four yogurt tubs, each with a milkweed leaf inside. They are too tiny to see, but there are five first instar monarch larvae that have just hatched within the last day scattered between the containers.
Five! Five first instar monarch larvae! Ah ah ahhhhh.

Today all the eggs have hatched. I was a bit surprised since they came from different plants, but maybe that single Monarch I saw that appeared to be laying eggs did so all over the back yard.

Sadly, I do not have a good camera to show them off–this shot was the best I could do (and one of them is on the underside of the leaf anyhoo.)

Continue reading “All five itty bitty baby monarch eggs hatched!”

My 2021 attempt at Monarch Guardianship has begun

I’ve seen very few Monarch butterflies so far this year, and each time I have it’s only been one at a time in the yard.  Today, I finally found some eggs.  Four eggs are now in their respective containers, and only time will tell how many more eggs I may find this year.

Four repurposed yogurt containers, each has one milkweed leaf with a Monarch egg per leaf.
I sure hope this year is more fruitful than last year.

Continue reading “My 2021 attempt at Monarch Guardianship has begun”

Two things I hope to share soon.

One is a post I need to finish about my visit from the Conservation Commission’s actual Conservation Agent.

The other is about how I went from trying to ID the butterfly I posted about earlier, then stumbled upon a lucky find about info to raise Monarch larvae (aka caterpillars).