Posted in Bookworming, Creatures

Encouraging beneficial insects

Looking at it always makes me think of box kites.
A common whitetail or long-tailed skimmer (Plathemis lydia) in our backyard, one of many dragonflies that oft visited us last year.

I forget when I found this book, but I have a copy of Good Bugs for Your Garden [Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill, 1995], written by Allison Mia Starcher.

It has lovely illustrations, and contains downright sensible and needed information for those who want to at least lower their reliance on chemical pesticides even if they are not willing to go full out organic with pest control.

It’s also a small, almost pocket sized book.  Easy to tuck into a backpack, tote or handbag.  Also one that won’t take up much space if you are the sort to keep reading materials in your bathroom.
Continue reading “Encouraging beneficial insects”

It occurred to me today…

as I sit here, watching all sorts of insects hanging out on or flying by my office window that I really need to clean those windows.

That way, when I try to take close ups, my nice camera doesn’t decide to focus on the water spots instead of the intended creature.

Posted in Behind the Scenes, Creatures

A Tale of Two Cameras

I currently have two digital cameras.  One is cheap and terrible at close ups.  The other is good for its time, but now would be considered old.  The older one is finicky, and often won’t save data properly.  I have not yet had time to see if I can get it fixed.  I also, at this time, cannot afford a new camera (and, no, I do not own a cell phone that can take pictures). Continue reading “A Tale of Two Cameras”