It may be ingrained in folks to tidy up the garden when things start to die back in the fall, but many bits if not all of those plants are useful to a broad variety of wildlife as shelter and/or food in the colder weather to come. They may spend their winter in a curled up leaf; use browned milkweed stalks as a resting or observation perch on your lawn away from the cold snowy ground; feed from seeds of goldenrod; or many other possibles, depending on the visitors in your garden. Continue reading “Late Winter Wildlife Feeding”
Category: Creatures
Exactly what you’d expect, posts about various creatures here.
First deer track sighting in the back yard.
After I finished shoveling out a path in front of the house for our postal carrier, I gathered my implements and headed back to the side door only to realize I’d forgotten to bring our compost bowl outside. I headed towards the bin anyway, thinking to forge a trail through the drifts from the comfort of my snowsuit and to see what visitors we might have had. Then I spotted something I hadn’t seen in the near four years we’ve been here. Continue reading “First deer track sighting in the back yard.”
Oh You Silly Toad
Garden Growth–May 30, 2020
I spied my first Luna Moth this year while doing a last round and watering this evening. I was hoping to get a bit more done in the garden today, but something is better than nothing.

A pair of cardinals stopped by today.
Can you spot the Golden Northern Bumble bee?
Blue jay in the driveway–April 22, 2020.
We are both so tired.

I knew one of the nine chrysalides in the “eclosurie”1 would likely open this morning as the chrysalis was a shade of transparent I’ve come to know fairly well.
The question–as always–was…when? Continue reading “We are both so tired.”
Improving my Monarch data collection.
Compared to last year, it feels like the flood gates have opened as far as egg and cat finding and that’s brought about some challenges for me related to keeping track of them. I am aware that there are folks that are raising significantly more than me, and I am amazed at them. Before I get into organization, here’s a peek at the current older instars in their keeper.