Fourth female, and she will be released within a few hours, depending on when she is ready.

Exactly what you’d expect, posts about various creatures here.
Fourth female, and she will be released within a few hours, depending on when she is ready.
Last year, two of the many cats that wandered through our yard were ginger tabbies. I didn’t realize that there were two until both showed up at the same time.
This year, I have only ever seen one ginger on the property at any given time. It has been a menace, and I’ve mentioned various reasons why before here. There was also the mangled monarch story which I can’t definitely say was the ginger cat’s fault for certain, but circumstances made it hard to dismiss the possibility. Continue reading “A Tale of Two Kitties”
Yesterday one of the chrysalis changed color in a way I hadn’t seen before. It didn’t quite match the images I’ve seen, but it wasn’t darkening evenly. Odder still, the “cap” portion was still bright green. Continue reading “Guardianship update: 26th August 2018”
As promised, I’ve added the Critters Page. I started off with a “off the top of my head” list, and as time allows I will add more. Continue reading “Site Change: Critters Page added.”
This first bit I might have mentioned and forgot I did. My mister was insistent on transplanting the grapes despite my explaining more than once why August is a terrible time for such. (Yes, they’re not doing well. Why do you ask?) Continue reading “Crazy week, and I forgot to mention…”
At last we reach the final installment of the sad day update. Continuing on from the last post, how are the five? One, I recently started posting about in another update, so here’s the rest of Junior’s story. Continue reading “Guardianship update: 23rd August 2018 #4”
As I said in my last post (#2), all hell had broken loose for me at that moment. I was a failure. The not too distant memory of two daily releases of two butterflies per day sat in stark contrast with what I had before me. Continue reading “Guardianship update: 23rd August 2018 #3”