This post picks up where #1 left off. Here I’ll talk about both mistakes and best case scenario based decisions that were made about the malformed chrysalis. Continue reading “Guardianship update: 23rd August 2018 #2”
Category: Creatures
Exactly what you’d expect, posts about various creatures here.
Guardianship update: 23rd August 2018 #1
Last Saturday was a sad day for us. One unexpected development with a malformed chrysalis led to mistakes that could have caused the loss of up to all six chrysalises we had at the time if I had done things in a different order and/or way.

eastern black swallowtail caterpillar in our parsley
Guardianship update: 21st August 2018

This is the chrysalis that suffered a fall a few days ago that I had not yet reported happening because that day was sad for a few reasons, and I’ve been waiting to post an update that would have at least one bright spot from that day. Continue reading “Guardianship update: 21st August 2018”
Bug in the wood sorrel.
Guardianship update: 16th August 2018 #3
I’m a dummy. Not going to post for a while because in the time it took me download four pics, resize them and make my last post, this happened…

Guardianship update: 16th August 2018 #2
I fretted a lot overnight. I kept checking the monarch disease pages, dismissed OE and pondered “black death” after one older site pic I found that had a pure black chrysalis. Nope…nope…behold!
What a difference! Continue reading “Guardianship update: 16th August 2018 #2”
What? I’m looking for my fiddle!
Guardianship update: 16th August 2018 #1
This week has been all sorts of lessons. The chrysalis I first noticed the faintest bits of orange through the green is still developing, but sometime in the last six hours, two nearby rapidly changed to the image below, which is the best shot I could manage at this hour.