Posted in Conservation, Creatures, Progress

Cleaning out the monarch keeper

I had started setting up the tank on Sunday, but quickly realized when I found the old crickets inside that it was in fact used as a reptile tank at one point.  That changed my plan of action slightly, as it still had some sand in the base and now the cleaning would need to be more thorough just in case anything lingered from the former residents.  Then my cat got sick, and suffice it to say I forgot about the cleaning though I still kept an eye on the monarchs. Continue reading “Cleaning out the monarch keeper”

Posted in Creatures, Indoor Musings

Did you notice?

In my two milkweed tussock larvae post, I remember seeing the black dots behind the woolly glory and a part of my brain that wasn’t sleepy wondering, “are there younger instar under that leaf?”

So I took a closer look in another shot that showed more of the eaten area where I thought they were, and there sure as heck are.  The Count would have been thrilled to have something else to count, and more numerous to boot!

When I first posted the other image, I thought, wait...are there more than two? Yep.
There’s a rather large mass of them, one is fully on top of the leaf.