Weekly Site Changes Update: May 1-7, 2020

Trying to pick back up where I left off, which led me to realize I still have others from earlier this year sitting in drafts.  *eep*

Backdated changes made:

  • Added April 18th, 2020–Office Window View since I wanted to use the image anyway as it was relevant to a post I wrote this week.
  • Reversed the order of the slideshow so the newest image shows first, then works backwards in time.  It’s much shorter than last year because I always drop off the year before’s images per recent update, and I still haven’t caught up posting all the 2019 Office Window Views.

Continue reading “Weekly Site Changes Update: May 1-7, 2020”

Weekly Site Changes Update: January 10-16, 2020

Shortly after I started trying to ferret out typos and mistakes in my Tags, I found my brain wondering what I might be doing to better help folks discover useful info to them on this site.  Down the SEO research rabbit hole I fell– which in hindsight I could have spent the time better on my original goals of content catch up.

Before I forget: if you have two copper about anything site related, please feel free to leave a comment below. Continue reading “Weekly Site Changes Update: January 10-16, 2020”

Weekly Site Changes Update: January 3-9, 2020

I want to immediately point out a happy re-discovery: there is a very easy way to see all the tags one has used.  I had forgotten as I hadn’t looked for the overall list in a while.  This will make ferreting out near dupes and typos easier than I feared.  Hooray!  That’s one headache gone from the process later.

I know I said I was going to wait to do the weekly reports until I started dusting off unpolished content, but I have to admit keeping records help me remember what I’ve done in case I need to fix a foul up.  Thankfully the progress with the first step (Culling the Categories) is going much faster than I thought. Continue reading “Weekly Site Changes Update: January 3-9, 2020”


As I mentioned in this earlier post, I’ve been meaning to tighten up the overall organization here, as well as finally see some unfinished bits to completion over time.

In this post I hope to clearly explain why I made some changes I did, as well as what to expect ahead.  I also purposefully over-explain and overemphasize some bits because not everyone knows the inner workings and terminology of WP blogs.

This post will be pinned until March 19th to try to alleviate confusion for folks that wander back here later on this year because they’re still recovering from the holly days and/or have not yet begun thinking about this year’s garden.

Continue reading “Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes…”