And then there were four…

Found two more eggs just now, bringing today’s total to four.  All on different plants, but  two each, each time, close by each other.  All within view of my office window.

Posted in Conservation, Creatures

Two Monarch eggs to start with again this year!

I’d been looking from time to time for eggs lately, unsure if it was still too early despite having seen some adult Monarchs.  Found two today, one each on young plants right next to each other right outside my office window.

Two! Two Monarch eggs again! AH AH AH!
Both are on the innermost leaves, and much too tiny for any camera I have to capture well.

Continue reading “Two Monarch eggs to start with again this year!”

Guardianship update: 31st August 2018

The chrysalis I mentioned last time did not eclose.  I finally had taken it out and where the chrysalis had started cracking, I pulled it out just a bit, and as I did, I realized the entire thing felt like it could be crushed to dust in any minute between the fingers I was pressing as lightly as I could through a paper towel I had used to take it out of the keeper.  It simply had dehydrated. Continue reading “Guardianship update: 31st August 2018”

Guardianship update: 29th August 2018

So the chrysalis I thought maybe might be a late release yesterday still has not eclosed.  I’ve read that after 48 hours of it being this clear, if they don’t eclose, something went wrong and they are likely dead.

Not happy, but resigned it is a likely loss.
The caterpillar you see here harried the chrysalis a bit while trying to decide where to J. Not sure if that’s part of the problem.

Continue reading “Guardianship update: 29th August 2018”