Posted in Creatures

A Tale of Two Kitties

Last year, two of the many cats that wandered through our yard were ginger tabbies.  I didn’t realize that there were two until both showed up at the same time.

This year, I have only ever seen one ginger on the property at any given time.  It has been a menace, and I’ve mentioned various reasons why before here.  There was also the mangled monarch story which I can’t definitely say was the ginger cat’s fault for certain, but circumstances made it hard to dismiss the possibility. Continue reading “A Tale of Two Kitties”

Posted in Creatures

April 13th yard visitors

I am going to start a series to share the various creatures that appear in our yard.  Some stay, some are regulars, and some might never be seen more than once.

I need to clean the windows.
The blurb in the upper right is the possible starling.

While putting the kettle on for tea, I noticed what might be a starling in our backyard, and ran for the camera.

It was soon joined by two others.  Realizing the shots might be terrible through the not the cleanest windows, I tried to step Continue reading “April 13th yard visitors”

FWIW, we have no dog.

Our house came with a doghouse, but we have no dog.

We both like them, but cats have been better for us with our multiple moves over the years.  Now, with funds tight, it wouldn’t be nice to bring in any animal that would only add to our expenses.

Last year I planned to somehow convert said doghouse, but never made up my mind as to what.

We still have no dog, but the doghouse remains.