Posted in Behind the Scenes, Conservation, Seeds

One week until the first community garden meeting.

I was at City Hall today to take care of a few things, and I stopped by the Conservation Commission office to touch base on a few works in progress like the milkweed seed packets, the upcoming Arbor Day sapling giveaway, and other things they do or have a hand in locally. Continue reading “One week until the first community garden meeting.”

“From incubating an avocado pit in a jar over the kitchen sink to mowing the roof to paying top dollar for an oceanfront or penthouse view, we’re willing to take trouble and incur expenses to make nature part of our homes.  As a result, more communities, including some seemingly improbable ones, are trying to make the most of their natural charms.”

–Winifred Gallagher
House Thinking Continue reading “Natural needs and wants.”

Natural needs and wants.