Posted in Oh noes!, Plants

Why latin plant names matter #1, lupine

There is ongoing controversy as to what constitutes a “native” plant.  There are oodles of factors (wind, Pangaea, migration, et al.) that can go into the determination of such, which I will not get into here in length nor detail because the same info can be found elsewhere.

Having said that, instead I am hoping that this will be the first in a series where I highlight a given plant that can be found in the U.S.A., and how I came to find out if it was a good choice or not for my aim to foster habitat that will encourage and support local wildlife to visit our yard. Continue reading “Why latin plant names matter #1, lupine”

Posted in Progress

Rain barrel related projects

I am almost out of the water we stored in reused gallon jugs last year when we emptied our rain barrel for the season.  Since I don’t want to start using tap water if I can help it, naturally I’ve been wondering when we put it out last year, and it was indeed in April, though I didn’t actually get it set up until the 25th.  This is our third year collecting rainwater to use on plantings. Continue reading “Rain barrel related projects”

Posted in Plants, Progress

Grape Trellis Project Part 2

Hard to tell from pick, but sturdy.
Thank you neighbor(s) that got rid of these.

I mentioned before picking up some trellis for free that we plan to use for the volunteer grape we found on our property.  (Likely seed brought by birds from a multiple section chain link fence length of grape just under a block from our house.)

My partner suddenly decided at gloaming last night that it was a fine time to put it together.  I pointed out that he’d be drilling the pilot holes and screwing them together in the dusk if he was lucky, and the dark if he wasn’t.  I’m almost afraid to see what it looks like come morning. We did not paint it as I wanted because no budget for such at the moment. Continue reading “Grape Trellis Project Part 2”

Posted in Behind the Scenes

Follow up of attending my first Conservation Commission meeting.

As I noted before, I did finally attend a local Conservation Commission meeting, and in doing so found myself volunteering to help share some plants with a homeowner that inadvertently removed plants he didn’t know he shouldn’t because part of his land was in a protected flood zone.  Not a “you’ll flood every year” sort of flood zone, but what’s known here as a Q3 “100 year flood” zone.  You’d think there’d be some law stating sellers of homes should make sure buyers know about that sort of thing…I guess it’s more expected that folks will inform themselves about such.  I remember after I heard about one legendary Gardner flood, and soon found myself well acquainted with the OLIVER map which helped us strike a few homes off our house search possibles. Continue reading “Follow up of attending my first Conservation Commission meeting.”

Posted in Behind the Scenes, Indoor Musings, Plants, Progress

Thoughts on sharing and friendships

The Will Rogers quote I also posted today is one near and dear to my heart.  A friend of mine I play LOTRO with says that quote all the time.  I share his belief in what it means, and have made many friends over the years where the initial contact between us was a meeting of strangers.

I also believe in the notion of sharing one’s abundance.  We were very lucky here in that so many plants were already here, many are well established to boot.  When you move to a new place, and really don’t know anyone, sometimes sharing is a way to meet someone that might turn out to be a life long friend. Continue reading “Thoughts on sharing and friendships”