Posted in Behind the Scenes, Indoor Musings, Plants, Progress

Thoughts on sharing and friendships

The Will Rogers quote I also posted today is one near and dear to my heart.  A friend of mine I play LOTRO with says that quote all the time.  I share his belief in what it means, and have made many friends over the years where the initial contact between us was a meeting of strangers.

I also believe in the notion of sharing one’s abundance.  We were very lucky here in that so many plants were already here, many are well established to boot.  When you move to a new place, and really don’t know anyone, sometimes sharing is a way to meet someone that might turn out to be a life long friend. Continue reading “Thoughts on sharing and friendships”

Posted in Conservation, Stories

Learning to work with a new climate

The gardens I grew up in and near were in southern NJ, on a barrier island where if you dug too deep, you’d hit soggy brimed soil.  The property was one block from the bay, two from the ocean, on the northernmost part of the island which was narrow there compared to most of the island.

Despite that, my maternal grandparents had thriving gardens full of ornamentals as well as food crops, though we didn’t have a lot of tall trees. Continue reading “Learning to work with a new climate”