If you’re gardening on a budget and need an idea for a thrifty bed border that isn’t plastic, save your TP and paper towel rolls. (Don’t use the bleached type if you can help it.) Continue reading “Compostable bed borders”
Tag: garden
“The mere fact of the variability of the seasons should be sufficient to convince the most doubting that what may be right one year may be wrong next. If a calendar of garden events is kept it will be readily seen by reference what a difference there can be in annual happenings.”
— Harry Pierce and Alec Mawson Shrubs 1935
On the value of keeping a calendar of garden events.
Two years ago today (sort of)…
…I started to tell the story of our garden here in Gardner, and even posted the image above that showed part of the garden’s past we had inherited when buying this land.
In truth, I’m now writing this quite late–on May 11, 2020. I abused the magic of backdating to get the date at the top right. As folks reading this know, our whole world was swept up by March 31st with news about a novel coronavirus spreading. At the time, Massachusetts was just one place struggling with it in spades. I was spending more time than I like to admit watching the daily videos our local hospital was putting out, scanning news articles, watching broadcast news, and bookmarking more C-19 stat sites than now seems sane in hindsight. Can you blame me, though? My partner is “an essential worker”, a postal carrier. Heck yeah, we had some scares. But enough with the excuses! (I will end this topic by saying if he did get it from work and passed it to me, we still don’t know.) Continue reading “Two years ago today (sort of)…”
Garden Growth–19th May, 2019
The rains were a bit heavier in the morning that we thought they would be, but the afternoon skies cleared and we made the best we could of the time available. Temperatures quickly climbed to a high of 76°F, and what feels to us a sudden change meant our bodies were not yet acclimated to the warmth as we worked outside. I was especially grateful for the time I could work in the shade. Continue reading “Garden Growth–19th May, 2019”
April 9th, 2019 (afternoon)–Office Window View
9th of April, 2019 (morning)–Office Window View
Pruning the past
One of my goals for this year is to work towards a daily journal along the lines of what my Nana kept for her garden. I was going to try a monthly (which I’ll get into a bit further down), although I intend to work up to a daily. Continue reading “Pruning the past”
One year ago today…
…I started to tell the story of our garden here in Gardner, and even posted the image above that showed part of the garden’s past we had inherited when buying this land.