Posted in Oh noes!

When the rain barrel ran out of water…

…we realized we’d never turned the outdoor spigot cutoff on because we hadn’t needed it.  That was yesterday, the 15th of August.  Because of how the rain barrel’s spigot isn’t at the dead bottom of the barrel, we did try tipping it to get at more inside, but there’s only so far you can push that to get at the last bits left–plus then there’s the sediment issue from what ever’s gathered over the season thus far.

Continue reading “When the rain barrel ran out of water…”

Busy as bees

This year has been more hectic than I ever anticipated, both in and out of the garden.  Although I have continued to take garden notes and pictures, I have not had time to polish them.  If you haven’t noticed, I have been trying to at least regularly update this year’s planting list.

As I write this, it’s raining yet again, hence my having time to write.  If it wasn’t, I’d be out pulling up all the purple loosestrife that is now plaguing the front yard. Continue reading “Busy as bees”