I just checked my e-mail, and there was a tracking notice. Continue reading “Our seeds are on their way!”
Tag: kitchen garden
Our seeds are on their way!
Making our 2019 seed list–part 2
Notice: I’m a bit tuckered, but I want to get at least part of this out tonight, so I hope to post part 3 either late tomorrow or Monday.
My partner will swear to his death that he is a black thumb. “If you want something to fail, let me plant it,” he says. Continue reading “Making our 2019 seed list–part 2”
Doing my level best…
I have been getting ready when I can to begin the indoor seed starters out of what we have so far already seed wise. I hope to have at least four veggies in their starter pots by this time next week. If I manage more–woo hoo! Continue reading “Doing my level best…”
20th of January, Office Window View
Making our 2019 seed list–part 1
One thing I did not want to be late about again this year was ordering seeds. Despite the recent brain fog from the winter bug, I’m still determined in being better on this matter. Continue reading “Making our 2019 seed list–part 1”
8th of January, Office Window View
It really is frozen.
Even though my brain knows that the temperatures have hovered mostly around freezing of late, I still found myself surprised when I tried to stick a plastic plant label that had come up back into the ground near the plant it belonged to, and failed. Continue reading “It really is frozen.”
Narrowing down a pile of dreams.
Courtesy Notice: This is another of my long rambling posts.
I don’t know about other folks, but in winter when I can do little on the grounds outside, my imagination runs wild with plans and ideas for our gardens. This has been especially true as the first year here falls further into the past, and my brain is harried by all we didn’t get done the year before. Continue reading “Narrowing down a pile of dreams.”