Still trying to build in a consistent pattern for posting here versus the rest of life, so here’s a general update for the moment. Continue reading “This and That–24 October 2018”
Tag: kitchen garden
This and That–24 October 2018
Frosty corn
I noticed yesterday that the older corn stalk was looking a bit worse for (weather) wear. We meant to do our rounds yesterday, but other busy-ness got in the way and I realized after it was too dark that we didn’t do our walkabout which is when I planned to check what corn is still on the stalk. Continue reading “Frosty corn”
Fall snow on the garage roof.
30th of September, Office Window View
September is flying by in this year of 2018…
Lots of distractions away from here of late, but here’s a mini update for the moment. Continue reading “September is flying by in this year of 2018…”
August passed, and now September progress, 2018
I have a few balls I’ve dropped, most of which I haven’t talked about much here. This week I hope to go back over my still in draft form posts and finishing up those before it gets too close to fall. Continue reading “August passed, and now September progress, 2018”
Unidentified spider in the corn
Crazy week, and I forgot to mention…
This first bit I might have mentioned and forgot I did. My mister was insistent on transplanting the grapes despite my explaining more than once why August is a terrible time for such. (Yes, they’re not doing well. Why do you ask?) Continue reading “Crazy week, and I forgot to mention…”