Mostly been spring cleaning in the garden the last few days and there is still so much to do. At least today I got some seeds in the ground! I will start soaking more tonight.

Mostly been spring cleaning in the garden the last few days and there is still so much to do. At least today I got some seeds in the ground! I will start soaking more tonight.
Somehow my brain remembered to pull up the month o’ posts from last year, and WOW…suddenly I realized exactly how far behind I am in finishing just about any type of post lately, compared to last. Sadly, not just this month. I’ll keep trying to do better. Continue reading “Garden Growth–4th July, 2019”
I’ve been doing a bit of a dance of late trying to work around rain. This is partly because we not only have a lot more dandelions that cropped up this year, but they are starting to seed like crazy.