Guardianship update: 23rd August 2018 #1

Last Saturday was a sad day for us. One unexpected development with a malformed chrysalis led to mistakes that could have caused the loss of up to all six chrysalises we had at the time if I had done things in a different order and/or way.

I was at a loss as to what to do when I saw this.
This is a malformed chrysalis which can happen for a number of reasons. Depending on the cause, they can still develop into a healthy butterfly.

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Guardianship update: 16th August 2018 #1

This week has been all sorts of lessons.  The chrysalis I first noticed the faintest bits of orange through the green is still developing, but sometime in the last six hours, two nearby rapidly changed to the image below, which is the best shot I could manage at this hour.

I admit, I panicked when I first saw these.
I wish you could see the wings as well as I can. The green one to the far left and rear behind the green in the foreground is the one I first noticed the faint orange through the green.

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