Guardianship update: 12th August 2018

The temperature took a nosedive today, and it’s cool enough that I’m in jeans and a sweatshirt quite comfortably (My low blood pressure is helping that).  The cool damp in the air instead of the humidly stifling feeling is quite a change!  I’m wondering how much difference this will make for the larvae growth rate, as the forecast is predicting this will be the norm for a few more days until the temps start to hit low 80s F again.  Continue reading “Guardianship update: 12th August 2018”

Guardianship update: 8th August 2018

Yesterday was busy, so I didn’t get a chance to post news.  When I cleaned out the incubator yesterday, I found a single newly born.  I think one bit I thought was an egg was really just a tiny milkweed sap bubble.  I checked over the seed pods with a magnifying glass several times to be sure there were no remaining eggs before I put them back outside–they take up a lot of room in the incubator, and I wanted to bring in a stem with more leaves as all the larvae were getting bigger. Continue reading “Guardianship update: 8th August 2018”

Posted in Conservation, Creatures, Progress

Cleaning out the monarch keeper

I had started setting up the tank on Sunday, but quickly realized when I found the old crickets inside that it was in fact used as a reptile tank at one point.  That changed my plan of action slightly, as it still had some sand in the base and now the cleaning would need to be more thorough just in case anything lingered from the former residents.  Then my cat got sick, and suffice it to say I forgot about the cleaning though I still kept an eye on the monarchs. Continue reading “Cleaning out the monarch keeper”