I have a few balls I’ve dropped, most of which I haven’t talked about much here. This week I hope to go back over my still in draft form posts and finishing up those before it gets too close to fall. Continue reading “August passed, and now September progress, 2018”
Tag: pencil cobb corn
Rainy day, transplanted the pumpkin and corn seedlings
I hadn’t even given a thought as to whether some kitchen garden plants might suffer from being started indoors. Then I found a list that went into some examples of what is ok, what isn’t ideal, and what not to start indoors. As I scanned the list, then I started worrying about the corn in particular.

Continue reading “Rainy day, transplanted the pumpkin and corn seedlings”
Just when I had almost given up…
…I noticed something had changed while we were failing to photograph the monarch egg and I stepped into the kitchen for some reason I can’t recall now. I happened to glance over at the pot on the counter, and was five years old all over again.

18th June Plantings and general Garden update
I further updated the 2018 Plantings list, adding some more details.
I planted more flower seeds today in pots indoors, as well as a few more fairytale pumpkin and pencil cob corn indoors just in case the ones that aren’t coming up yet were Acorn Bomber snacks. Continue reading “18th June Plantings and general Garden update”
16th June Plantings Update
There’s more I want to write about than I have time for, so planting update it is. Continue reading “16th June Plantings Update”
First corn sighting
After we picked up our second rain barrel today, we went out to plant the remaining starters I had purchased prior, and I noticed what looks like an awfully promising baby stalk of corn breaching the ground. This made me so happy.
One of our tomato seed spots seemed a bit dug up. I’m glad I used the toilet tissue rolls, as that seems to have deterred the digger from doing more than unearthing down to the top of the roll. Time will tell.
11 June Plantings update.
I updated the “planting soon” list & 2018 Plantings page.
Two of three black turtle beans have broken through, as have two of three scarlet runner beans. No sign of life yet from the corn–still worried the Acorn Bombers got those. I caught one sniffing around the strawberries today. You bet I shooed it! Continue reading “11 June Plantings update.”
Starting with a few seeds at a time
I have read about spreading out sowing times so not everything is needing harvesting all at once. I’m also concerned about the Acorn Bomber Brigade making short work of some of the seeds. I can’t wait too long for round two. I know because I recall the sunflowers sown way too late last year that never had a chance. Our growing season is only so long, after all. Continue reading “Starting with a few seeds at a time”
Heirloom Seeds arrived today…
I ordered late, hence their arrival time. They actually shipped faster than I expected since we stuck with the less expensive table shipping method. I’m a little concerned about how late we will be starting some of these seeds, given our short growing season here. Then again, our frost time did drag out this year, so many will be pretty close to right on time. Still, better a bit late then never at all!