After you finish that seed list, make notes about which ones should be soaked or surface scratched to help germination. You forgot about that with a lot of seeds last year, and the year after too.
Tag: planning
Anyone who thinks gardening begins in the spring and ends in the fall is missing the best part of the whole year; for gardening begins in January with the dream.
— Josephine Nuese Continue reading “When does a garden begin?”
When does a garden begin?
Late night reading, away from the weather.
I fell down an internet rabbit hole tonight, browsing way too many old house garden pages. Continue reading “Late night reading, away from the weather.”
Making our 2019 seed list–part 1
One thing I did not want to be late about again this year was ordering seeds. Despite the recent brain fog from the winter bug, I’m still determined in being better on this matter. Continue reading “Making our 2019 seed list–part 1”
Of cats and butterflies.
On one news aggregate site I haunt, there was a link yesterday that led me to an older article about the devastatingly low count of Monarchs in California last year. Continue reading “Of cats and butterflies.”
It really is frozen.
Even though my brain knows that the temperatures have hovered mostly around freezing of late, I still found myself surprised when I tried to stick a plastic plant label that had come up back into the ground near the plant it belonged to, and failed. Continue reading “It really is frozen.”
Happy New Year!
I hope all are well, and you are already planning for this year’s garden. Continue reading “Happy New Year!”
This and That–24 October 2018
Still trying to build in a consistent pattern for posting here versus the rest of life, so here’s a general update for the moment. Continue reading “This and That–24 October 2018”
Note to Future Me #6
Remember those images of the shade changes in the backyard we took last year in mid May after reading about how useful it is to understand which parts of a garden is shaded or not, and when? They were then filed away in the “Progress” folder, and I only found them again this year while hunting for an older picture. Here’s a refresher in case you forgot again: Continue reading “Note to Future Me #6”