Busy as bees

This year has been more hectic than I ever anticipated, both in and out of the garden.  Although I have continued to take garden notes and pictures, I have not had time to polish them.  If you haven’t noticed, I have been trying to at least regularly update this year’s planting list.

As I write this, it’s raining yet again, hence my having time to write.  If it wasn’t, I’d be out pulling up all the purple loosestrife that is now plaguing the front yard. Continue reading “Busy as bees”

Garden Growth–19th April, 2019

The rain predicted for today was subtly changed to what little rain we did get earlier, though there’s a steady light rain now.  Tomorrow, though, heavy rains and boomers may postpone the outdoor portion of the Arbor Day events here in Gardner.  Time will tell on that.  It hit a sustained high of 72°F in early afternoon and didn’t drop much below 70° by dark. Continue reading “Garden Growth–19th April, 2019”