“For nearly as long as they’ve been popular, lawns have served as a totem of middle-class vulgarity, conformity, and excess. In her landmark 1962 book Silent Spring, Rachel Carson denounced the wanton use of lawn pesticides. Carson’s contemporary, activist Lorrie Otto, condemned yards as ‘sterile’ and ‘flagrantly wasteful.’ Polemics as cutting as a mower’s blade have proliferated in the decades since, but lawns abide. Spivak and her team come not to bury them, but to adapt them to the insects vital to the entire ecosystem—and our food supply.”

— Tom Philpott,
Your Perfect Green Lawn Is a Buzz Kill.
Mother Jones,

Continue reading “It’s time to change the standard for American lawns”

It’s time to change the standard for American lawns

Posted in Behind the Scenes, Bookworming, Conservation, Creatures, Indoor Musings

Observing more birds hanging out this year

I’m a bit excited that both some of the rewilding efforts we’ve put in, as well as the lack of time to make things a bit tidier than usual seems to be attracting a broader variety of birds that don’t just simply buzz through our yard heading east to our neighbor that keeps feeders out year round. Continue reading “Observing more birds hanging out this year”

Posted in Behind the Scenes, Bookworming, Conservation, Plants

Wild Wednesdays: a new series on plants native to my area

One of the ideas I’ve been mulling over this winter is how to help promote the use of native plants in folks’ gardens. The hardest part of that for me is knowing more about the native plants here in Gardner, MA. That is what the hold up was when I first thought up the notion a few years ago.  How could I ever find the time to research them weekly? Continue reading “Wild Wednesdays: a new series on plants native to my area”

Posted in Conservation, Creatures, Plants

Late Winter Wildlife Feeding

It may be ingrained in folks to tidy up the garden when things start to die back in the fall, but many bits if not all of those plants are useful to a broad variety of wildlife as shelter and/or food in the colder weather to come.  They may spend their winter in a curled up leaf; use browned milkweed stalks as a resting or observation perch on your lawn away from the cold snowy ground; feed from seeds of goldenrod; or many other possibles, depending on the visitors in your garden. Continue reading “Late Winter Wildlife Feeding”