Posted in Progress

Watering, snipping grass, neglected compost and old foe skeletons

I did manage to get some time outside yesterday to do more than a round of watering.  Compared to last year, I’m consistently using three “can fills” per water from the rain barrel so far, where last year we barely needed just the one.  Most of that is due to the kitchen garden related plants, as well as trying to encourage some perennials that didn’t overwinter very well.  We haven’t been able to pick up the new rain barrel we paid for, but will when schedules align.  We haven’t needed it yet, so I’m not agonizing over the lack of pickup,  if it matters.

Note the two flying insect "shadows" you can see near the one cluster of fruit growing. I didn't even realize they'd made the shot.
Some of our plants have names (we’re odd). Shoobie, our northern highbush blueberry, was two years old when introduced last year, and this year’s crop is looking good for a three year old.

Continue reading “Watering, snipping grass, neglected compost and old foe skeletons”

Posted in Creatures, Progress

Starting with a few seeds at a time

I have read about spreading out sowing times so not everything is needing harvesting all at once.  I’m also concerned about the Acorn Bomber Brigade making short work of some of the seeds.  I can’t wait too long for round two.  I know because I recall the sunflowers sown way too late last year that never had a chance.  Our growing season is only so long, after all. Continue reading “Starting with a few seeds at a time”

Posted in Oh noes!, Progress

Never give up! Never surrender!

I'm not a pink anything fan, but I'm still glad to see these flowers!
We transplanted what was a tiny miserable rhododendron last year to a much better suited spot on the front yard. I’m pleased to say it’s recovering well–we actually have blooms this year.

Despite how little I have managed to get done in the last week and change, I am still determined to press forward however I can. Seems obvious, right?   If you stop, things will really get out of hand, and more work for later, which no one wants.

Fortunately for me, the only things I’m worried about killing are all the starter kitchen plants that haven’t made it into the ground yet.

The good news is that a lot is growing just fine on its own, and no thanks to my efforts except in a few cases where I rescued a few things from various less than ideal situations. Continue reading “Never give up! Never surrender!”

Woo! Unexpected progress…

My partner somehow didn’t get called in today, so we started building our first kitchen garden bed where there will be peas and corn and other things.  It was hard to get an angle where you could see the rough width, length from the window, but it’s not finished yet anyhoo.  We’re on break now, and about to head back out to finish digging a bit, then we’ll fill with wood and see how tired we are.  It’s been a long day for us. Continue reading “Woo! Unexpected progress…”

Posted in Plants, Progress

Speaking of regrading…

That is one of the reasons I have been so antsy now about the weather.   The more spring showers we get, the more I realize what regrading I did manage to get to last year did help.  At the same time, I want to finish what I started in other areas.

As can happen, although I had a clear plan in mind about how I would go about the regrade process, sometimes there’s that one thought or question in the back of your mind that just won’t die until it gets satisfied.

Not fun to move!
A section of the old concrete splash guard slabs that were meant to prevent erosion since the house lacks gutters on three sides.  This portion is in better shape than most of it.

Continue reading “Speaking of regrading…”