Posted in Behind the Scenes, Oh noes!, Plants

Transfer seedlings: too dried out or too much handling?

In my head, I know it’s one thing to have what you need on hand and at least in an easy to grab place.  It’s another thing to go a step further and do as much as you can within reason before starting something.  Somehow, such foreknowledge slipped through the sieve of my brain and now I’m trying to salvage some transplants as a result.

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Posted in Plants, Progress

Rainy day, transplanted the pumpkin and corn seedlings

I hadn’t even given a thought as to whether some kitchen garden plants might suffer from being started indoors.  Then I found a list that went into some examples of what is ok, what isn’t ideal, and what not to start indoors.  As I scanned the list, then I started worrying about the corn in particular.

My suspicions of corn was confirmed when I worked it out of the pot and the kernal was still attached.
Concerned about further harm, I planted them this morning during a break in the rain.

Continue reading “Rainy day, transplanted the pumpkin and corn seedlings”