While doing dishes, I noticed a bit of green inside one of the mini mason jar greenhouses. Sure enough, at least one of the herbs was making it know that they were not, in fact, dead. Continue reading “Cilantro: “We don’t want to go on the compost. We feel fine!””
Tag: Seeds
Herb kit pots update
So it’s the 21st (when the herb kit packets said I’d see some sign of life), and no sign of green in any of the herb pots–not even the basil which I had put some plastic over loosely two days ago as I read somewhere they really like to be warm. Continue reading “Herb kit pots update”
Planting by the moon?
As someone that grew up by the ocean, I am rather intrigued by the notion of planting by the moon. Much like tides were a constant part of my life growing up, the speculation behind why this method helps your plantings is similar. Continue reading “Planting by the moon?”
There may be some ghosts of seedlings past after all.
A third type of leaf formation has presented itself on the now third seedling/baby that has pushed past the soil in the spider plant pot. Continue reading “There may be some ghosts of seedlings past after all.”
Making our 2019 seed list–part 2
Notice: I’m a bit tuckered, but I want to get at least part of this out tonight, so I hope to post part 3 either late tomorrow or Monday.
My partner will swear to his death that he is a black thumb. “If you want something to fail, let me plant it,” he says. Continue reading “Making our 2019 seed list–part 2”
Finally potted some spider plant bits.
I think buried in one of the drafts I never finished last year was a mention that one of the folks I shared some day lilies with shared some spider plant bits with me. Continue reading “Finally potted some spider plant bits.”
I moved the herb kit pots.
The spot on top of the microwave seemed to be in too indirect light to be of much use to the herbs. Continue reading “I moved the herb kit pots.”
Hockey puck soil.
The herb kit I mentioned came with what looked to me like hockey pucks made from soil. The directions to return them to a less dry and condensed state seemed straightforward enough, until it didn’t work as described. Continue reading “Hockey puck soil.”
I may have accidentally fermented the wheat grass.
I ended up leaving the seeds on the radiator longer than intended. (This winter bug has really been getting in the way of what I want to do be doing in so many ways.) Continue reading “I may have accidentally fermented the wheat grass.”