Posted in Indoor Musings

Really? Those are easy to grow!

When our soybeans failed to even break ground this year, it never occurred to me to go back and ask for a chat with the person that had told me before I’d planted them, “They’re so easy to grow!”  I never thought to ask questions that might help me learn even one of the possible differences between gardens.  We just blamed ourselves.  I assumed it was critters because of all the disturbance we’d had in the soil, my partner blamed his black thumb since he was the one that put the seeds in the ground.  Today, I had the ah-ha moment, which led to my writing this. Continue reading “Really? Those are easy to grow!”

Note to future me #2

You may have done some record keeping in 2018 you were (or maybe still are?) proud of, but you really need to remember to note where you planted certain flower seeds if you haven’t figured out a good way to start them indoors without artificial lighting again and decide to direct sow.  If only for the possible amusement of what flowers grow nowhere near the spot you think (or even know) you planted them.

It just might save you a plant ID search when it’s growing but not quite obvious yet since we get so many great volunteers here.  That’s time better spent doing other things.

Posted in Behind the Scenes, Plants, Progress

Heirloom Seeds arrived today…

I ordered late, hence their arrival time.  They actually shipped faster than I expected since we stuck with the less expensive table shipping method.  I’m a little concerned about how late we will be starting some of these seeds, given our short growing season here. Then again, our frost time did drag out this year, so many will be pretty close to right on time.  Still, better a bit late then never at all!

I don't want to screw these up...
We bought nine different seeds (veggies/beans/fruit), and they sent one freebie.

Continue reading “Heirloom Seeds arrived today…”