Note to Future Me #11

Stop dithering and either make two small leaf bins, or figure out how to make the time to clear out all the tiny saplings for the larger spot you and your partner picked but haven’t made time to clear yet.  I’ve already put too many leaves in the compost, though I did at least make sure to make them somewhat easy to take out later.  Sorry about the dithering!  Do better than current me, please.  [Later Note: Woo!  Done!]

Posted in Indoor Musings

Really? Those are easy to grow!

When our soybeans failed to even break ground this year, it never occurred to me to go back and ask for a chat with the person that had told me before I’d planted them, “They’re so easy to grow!”  I never thought to ask questions that might help me learn even one of the possible differences between gardens.  We just blamed ourselves.  I assumed it was critters because of all the disturbance we’d had in the soil, my partner blamed his black thumb since he was the one that put the seeds in the ground.  Today, I had the ah-ha moment, which led to my writing this. Continue reading “Really? Those are easy to grow!”

Woo! Unexpected progress…

My partner somehow didn’t get called in today, so we started building our first kitchen garden bed where there will be peas and corn and other things.  It was hard to get an angle where you could see the rough width, length from the window, but it’s not finished yet anyhoo.  We’re on break now, and about to head back out to finish digging a bit, then we’ll fill with wood and see how tired we are.  It’s been a long day for us. Continue reading “Woo! Unexpected progress…”