Posted in Progress

Hidden Treasure!

The garage bed is one we have not yet cleared in its entirety.  This is partly due to the copious amounts of tiny thorned berry creepers as well as the fact that some time in the past someone put landscape cloth over the entire thing which of course is now broken down into plastic fiber-y bits and a pain to get out given all the plants that have pushed through over time.

Today I finally remembered to cut back the old growth on the red raspberries on the southern end, and while doing that I started clearing around the nearby daylily as well…and then I found a hidden treasure.

Continue reading “Hidden Treasure!”

Note to Future Me #11

Stop dithering and either make two small leaf bins, or figure out how to make the time to clear out all the tiny saplings for the larger spot you and your partner picked but haven’t made time to clear yet.  I’ve already put too many leaves in the compost, though I did at least make sure to make them somewhat easy to take out later.  Sorry about the dithering!  Do better than current me, please.  [Later Note: Woo!  Done!]