I spied my first Luna Moth this year while doing a last round and watering this evening. I was hoping to get a bit more done in the garden today, but something is better than nothing.
Tag: spring
Garden Growth–May 29, 2020
Mostly been spring cleaning in the garden the last few days and there is still so much to do. At least today I got some seeds in the ground! I will start soaking more tonight.
Images from May 26, 2020
Garden Growth–May 24, 2020
Not as productive a day as I had hoped, but productive nonetheless! Continue reading “Garden Growth–May 24, 2020”
May 23, 2020–Office Window View
Garden Growth–22 May 2020
We managed to get one rain barrel out today, as there is rain predicted. They keep cutting back on how much rain to expect, and now it’s been pushed off clear until tomorrow morning. Continue reading “Garden Growth–22 May 2020”
May 20, 2020–Office Window View
Garden Growth–19 May 2020
Although I have put some time in cleanup around the garden of late, today was the first day I really put in more than an hour at one go and it looked like there was a discernible difference.